Just a Card


The latest news and features from our campaign

Cards on camera

By Yeshen Venema

As a product photographer, my focus is on designer/makers and independent shops. Greeting cards have been a regular subject over the years and I've seen many designers go from selling on market stalls to international distibution - inspiring! Unlike many other products, cards are easy to package, store and ship and they can be licenced, often through an agent, to scale up production,.

Here's a sample of the cards I have photographed in my studio and on location - a celebration of these small designs on paper! 

Click and view images to see credits.
Designers and Shops featured here: Jenny Sibthorp, Victoria Eggs, Thornback&Peel, Wolf&Ink, Botanique Workshop, Wrap, Jo Angel, HAM, Lollipop Designs, Eloise Hall, UAL Shop, Just a Peach, Kitty Maccall, Lorna Syson, Above and Beyond, Pressed and Folded, Josie Shenoy, Snapdragon Designs, James Barker, Scout Editions, Avenue Litho, I Drew This, Rosa and Clara, Sarah Hamilton, Jessica Hogarth, HIMP.

Styling by Yeshen Venema, Clare Nicolson, Mugdha Sapte, Joanna Thornhill and clients.


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